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Gaming Leagues

Card Games general

Earn 2 points for every win, 1 point for each loss, and bonus points for defeating higher ranked players!

At the end of each month, the top 25% of point earners will Rank Up!!

At the end of every three months, the top point earner will receive a Crown Title!


As you rank up, you'll receive ranked rewards!

Play in the most events in a month and receive a Best Attendance award!

Miniature Games General

Earn league points based on the particular game system, detailed below.


2 games a month for 6 months towards team totals.



Welcome to Warpstorm Duel Academy!


Ranks: Duelist - Slifer Red - Ra Yellow - Obelisk Blue

Crown Title: King of Games


Rewards: Custom Konami ID themed to your Rank; 3d printed Millennium Item inspired trophy to the King of Games!

Perfect Attendance - Field Center (1).png

One Piece

Come aboard and set sail!!


Ranks: Pirate - Captain - Warlord - Emperor

Crown Title: King of the Pirates


Ranked Rewards: Wanted Poster with Bounty tied to your Rank

Flesh and Blood

Come play Flesh and Blood with us!


Earn more opportunities to get the Armory Event hot card and playmat!

A Song of Ice and Fire

Bannermen of the North, the South, and King's Landing battle it out to see who will take the Iron Throne!



Marvel Crisis Protocol

Come play MCP with us! 3 Teams duking it out, earning points from their games and some out of game bonuses.

The winning team becomes next season's Illuminati!


Check out our discord for more information!

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